


You know..its an art keeping your balance in life...with all the hustle and bussle..running hither and thither...crossing bridges..trying to find your way..and don't lose control..its a good thing there's tea and biscuits..I am on my way home now and try to relax...But not before I tell you our Dutchess is going away for three weeks...She is leaving next wednesday...How am I going to survive that ....OOH, almost lost my balance there...


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh Miss M., how are we all going to survive without our sweet Dutchess!!! You can come and bring the Big Mozes and Guztave over to chez moi for tea while she is away. No one should take tea alone for three weeks! Anita

Cat with a Garden said...

You are so right! Balance is everything in life. Three weeks is a loooong time, but they fly by if there's enough to keep you entertained. Or better: If you know, how to entertain yourself...
Purrs, Siena & Chilli

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Hello precious Dutchess! I loved your comments! Please see your email. ANita

Miss Sandra said...

Miss Moussie,

What an adorably, sweet blog. I must visit often and enjoy tea and cookies in your company.

Miss Sandra


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