Do you like spiders...When you do then please visit the garden...there are beautiful spiderwebs to admire...we have a spiderweb exhibition...so..every spider in the garden is doing his best to create the most beautiful spider web ever...when it's dark MR C comes out of his labyrinth and is going to admire all of these magnificent works of art..at dawn when the webs are marvelously magical...covered with diamond dew drops...Mr C will give away the "Silver Lining award" to the web he loves the most...and Mr C knowing a LOT about art, then, will give everyone gathered in the garden a lecture about' The art of the web through the ages'...we hope this will not take to long...then followed by a sweet little ceremony..to honor the spider for his enchanting and inspiring work..No one is to touch the web and every winged creature is warned not to fly into it..well...they didn't like to do that anyway...
A little itsy bitsy tiny spider made his web in my living room..this was a mistake..go on.. shoo shoo..silly spider, weave your web outside for everybody to see...
Drawing Dennis Hockerman
Oh those little webs just keep appearing chez moi too! They are lovely in the early morning after the rain and dew settle in! Dear Miss Moussie, you look incredibly busy sweeping up all the webs! Your garden is lovely now with a new friend Mr. C! Will he be coming with you to the third act of the play? We invite all creatures!!! See you there, Anita
Oh dearest, I left a message in your email...I got the wonderful card!!! How I love and will live by the marvelous words about writing.....so very wonderful and a sweet, sweet surprise! Many thanks et toutes mes amitiés, Anita
Spider webs can be beautiful!
Tis just last night a web was spun across the Pacific Northwest moon. It came from June, served on a spoon over that dark August night moon.
Miss moussie, I tell everyone that spires are welcome here and they think I am *crazy*-grin... oh well, I am not talking about banana spires ...they sure scares me , but won't you agree with me that they make marvelous webs?
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