There they all went...through the forest ..in the dark...Miss Moussie was glad it didn't rain...in here marvelously pink dress she shuffled carefully over the dark forest paths...they just came back from the theatre..had a magical evening, but now were very tired..longing to be home in there soft comfy beds...Mozes did lead the way...he alway's does in the forest..you can't possibly get lost when Mozes is there to guide you..So..Mozes first...then behind him..Gustave..hopping very happily...then Miss Moussie tiptoeing,and the last one in this parade was Mr.C...talking in himself...he does that quite a lot these days..
Miss Moussie, waving with her purse twittered nervously..'Yoehoe,dear Mozes,are we there yet...my feet are killing me'.
-In a minute Miss..answered Mozes...we have to take a turn to the right at the big hollow oak tree, and then we will be home in a jiffy..
-Isn't it a wonderful evening,Gustave croaked...Don't you just love the forest when its dark and mysterious...
-Do you all know what a jiffy is..Mr. C asked...bet you all don't know what a jiffy is...
-We don't..croaked Gustave,but we do know you are going to tell us...so Dear Mr C ..what's a jiffy.
-The time taken for light to travel..And light travels so very fast...faster then we can...unless....
-Unless what dear C..twittered Miss Moussie...almost tripping in some beetle droppings..
-Unless we find the secret Jiffy trail in this forest..I know it's there...my great great grandfather found it one's up on a time..
-I now all the paths in the forest, said mozes..never heard of a Jiffy trail...never did see one..
-Well, if you look for it you can't see it,said Mr C...it has to come to you...
-A path that has to come to you...giggled Gustave...like ,when you wistle and call..here... Jiffy Jiffy....He thought this to be so very funny tears were running down his chubby cheeks from laughing.
-yes, you are correct..absolutely correct dear Gustave..this is the way to do it...only you have to believe in it..magic only works when you believe in it, that's a scientific fact...and there Mr C stopt with his explanation of magic and jiffy's.
-I wished we could find one now..Miss Moussie sighed..
-And I wished you all stopped babbeling...mumbled Mozes...come on..put you best foot forward.
-I have no best foot left ..they are both protesting..and not willing at all..twittered Miss Moussie.
Mozes was loosing his patience..how to bring this little troup home as fast as possible..they were getting on his nerves..chattering..croaking and twittering..
He lifted his head to the sky..there he saw the big bear ..his favorite star..Hello friend...mozes said softly with a smile on his face..can you help me find a jiffy...I would like to get home with this gang as fast as I could.
As soon as Mozes had spoken these words...in front of him the trees and bushes began to move....the trees bowed and the bushes stept aside...and there suddenly a trail appeared..
Mozes abrubtly stood still as a statue...Gustave bumping into him..followed by Miss Moussie...and then Mr C....Silence....only the wind whispered through the tree tops..
'follow the trail...follow the trail..'
-O my goodness,Miss Moussie squeaked..we found it we found it...
Slowly Mr C walked towards the beginning of the path..."Come on he said exited..where are we waiting for,lets go...
-But, but where wil it lead us...Miss Moussie whispered very very softley..I don't think we should do this...one never know's where one will end...
Mozes took a deep breath.."We are going,he said with a firm tone of voice...stay close together....
Are you curious where this secret trail will lead them..then lets follow and click here...on the Link to Knowhere..
OH DEAREST! THis is exciting! What a hero Mozes is...just when everyone's heart rate is flying and imaginations running wild, Mozes comes in and is the calm....before the storm....let's see....Anita
oh, your blog is truely magical dear! your words are so dreamy and the pictures are just so beautiful ♥
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