O dear....Gustave dropped the teapot....Miss Moussie was squeaking her little head of...Mr C was jumping up and down ...and our dear Dutches was trying to make sense out of this big chaos in her bed at this very urly wednesday morning...
-Please, calm down ,calm down ,she said...Miss Moussie,dearest, stop squeaking...Mr C..please stop jumping..and Gustave darling..its oke..never mind the teapot...its not broken, it fell in the cushions..and you were ever so sweet to bring me tea...
-Its not the tea pot..its not the teapot...croaked Gustave...its Mozes.. its Mozes..
-Darling..you can not mistaken Mozes for a teapot...smiled our Dutchess...I believe Mozes is a somewhat bigger...
-No,We looked everywhere...and we can not find him....no,we do not mean we can not find the teapot...twittered Miss Moussie,when she saw the dutches lifting up the blanket..we can not find Mozes..
-Now they had the fullest attention of the dutchess...Really,she said...then, where could our dear fiend be.....
Suddenly they all heard a little voice coming from the hallway..."I found something.I found something...
It was Elvira....with in her hand a letter.
-I found a letter ,she said..a bit out of breath from running up the stairs..I found a letter in the garden....a letter from Nowhere..but where is Nowhere,and on the back of the envelope is written..open me and you will see.....
I KNOW WHERE HE IS! He is safe with the Tea Rat and Willy....Big Mozes saved the pair from destitution and now they are on a journey together and I think they are headed for the great Castle....open the letter now and tell us soon what it says....Anita
Sadie Mae and Misha Mae are reading this by candle glow...where in the world did this Mozes go? Miss Moussie be still or your tail will be in a twitter. The suspense is too much and we have the jitters!
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