


Its a cold and rainy day on the Hilltop....so,we are going to hang out in the Hilltop Hall living room and watch a movie. One of our favorites..

-Gustave dear..so good of you to bring your imaginary cookies..
-Miss Mousie..please sit next to me...but be careful with your knitting...
-Mr C...not to close to the t.v dear..you will ruin your eyes...
-Sir Hog..would you like a pillow..so you can sit extra snug..
-Elvira...don't hop about...if you want you can sit on my shoulder..

Are we all set...then let the adventure begin...lets step into another world...


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Is there any room for Tea Rat, Rattus and THE PINK LADY? They love to eat popcorn in front of a good movie! Oh, I am with you dearest....I'm coming!!!! Nita

Marqueta (Mar-kee-ta) G. said...

Dear Miss Moussie,

We would love to join you, too! We'll supply the Dachshund. :)




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