

No way....

O dear ..squeaked Miss Moussie..Gustave are you oke..shall we come to the rescue?

Gustave's laughing face emerged from under the hugs...What a wonderful welcome comity..he croaked...shall I come in again...and he was about to go crawl back under the doormat when a voice from above said..

No time for fooling around now...Listen to me...Its only ten days to Christmas and there is something very important for us to do before that...

It was the little Gnome...sitting in the cuckoo clock...

-Well then..time to continue our conversation we had earlier,said the Dutches while she stood up from the kitchen floor with Miss Moussie on her shoulder..Lets talk ...what is wrong dear Gnome..why are you and the alphabet visiting us?
-Yes..please do tell ...twittered Miss Moussie..All this midnight hanky panky isn't good for my nerves...

With a big leap the Gnome flew out of the cuckoo clock....and landed on the kitchen table.

O my..that little guy can jump..croaked Gustave...and because him being a frog he followed the gnome ..just to let this little fellow know he could jump too..and maybe even better..

The Alphabet saw the gnome fly....saw Gustave jump .....and spelled..


They regrouped and formed the words..


Then the alphabet whirled themselves on the table ...next to Gustave...

-You are absolutely right, twittered Miss Moussie proudly ,isn't Gustave marvelous..he can jump as high as a house..
Gustave's swampy shade of green turned red...a lovely blush appeared on his chubby cheeks...O ..its nothing really he mumbled while fumbling his bow tie..

The Dutchess placed Miss Moussie next to Gustave and then sat herself down at the table...Now, she said...dear Gnome...can you tell us your story...

The alphabet gathered in the middle of the table..they made a circle around Miss Moussie ,Gustave and the little Gnome...
Could you please come not so close...squeaked Miss Moussie, I am a bit claustrophobic..

SSSsst Hissed the Gnome...will you stop twittering and let me speak..
PUH...twittered Miss Moussie...and held her nose up high...looking very annoyed..

- As you all may know...said the Gnome..holding one eye on Miss Moussie and the other on the Dutchess...as you all may know...last Christmas the Alphabet visited you to help solve a spelling problem...little did we know that this visit was the start of something very sad...

The alphabet now circled like a merry go round...whirling around our little troupe on the table and the formed the word


The Gnome continued...a day after Christmas two letters ran away...the NO..and it never came back....no where to be found..the alphabet cried many tears for there lost friends..so many words they could have spoken but so many words just couldn't be said...just because of this missing letters...
For instance you can not spell...love..without the O...you can not spell..JOY..You can not spell Friends..and all this we need so much ..always..but especially at this time a year..
Dear Friends...the alphabet asked me to ask you if we could all together go on a search...a search to find the NO..
I heard the NO is very stubborn,headstrong and very determined...it won't be easy to find..and it will not be easy to convince it to come home..

Miss Moussie raised her hand...permission to speak ,she twittered with a squeak...

-Permission granted...said the Gnome surprised...with a glimpse of a smile on his face..

-Is it true that if we shout very loud..the NO can hear us...rumour goes that when you shout NO loud enough..louder then the NO...it will come back..

-This is true Miss Moussie answered the Gnome...but the fact is there isn't anyone who can shout that loud...we would need it to be a call made around the Globe..on very different places on this earth..and ALL together to make it work..How are we going to find people who could do that...and even when we would find them...first we have to track down the NO...because one would like to know in what direction to shout!
There is a place...not far from here,we could be there in a Jiffy...were the No was last spotted...this would be a good place to start..but I would like to know from you if we can depend on your help...will you help the alphabet to find there friends,so they can celebrate Christmas ..and spell...HOPE.......you must know the Alphabet has a lot of faith in you..

There the letters wirled and twirled again..spelling..


-A Christmas without HOPE..is no Christmas at all...croaked Gustave..with a lump in his throat..wiping a way a tear ...You can count me in..
-Me too...twittered Miss Moussie...there should be joy in the world on a Christmas day
-And what about LOVE..said the Dutchess...who can do without it..honestly..what would life be..

Does this mean we are going to do this...said the Gnome, now smiling a big smile from ear to ear..

-WE DO..our friends shouted together...
Then we have to start preparing this very minute said the Gnome..no time to lose..

-Where shall we start our search ..asked Gustave..you did say there was a place where No could be..are we going to travel there on the Jiffy trail...?

-We are old chap..said the Gnome..and the alphabet will tell you where we are going..I don't know the place myself...!

The Alphabet swooped up to the ceiling...made a little dance and then formed the word..


OOOO...Goodness..I know where to NO can be found..squeaked Miss Moussie..they mean NOWHERE...as in NO WHERE to be found..our dear friends Mozes and the Tea rat are all ready there...how very exiting..

She ran out of the kitchen twittering ..I am going to pack a bag ..followed by Gustave..craoking..me too!

Well then..said the dutches to the Gnome...It seams we are going on a trip...its been a long time since you and I went on an adventure together...
-At your service dear lady..said the Gnome whilst making a deep bow...
The alphabet above there heads happily whirled the words..


No way..will you stop that...said the Gnome...jumping in to the dutchess her hair..I hate HUGS..


Unknown said...

I encourage you dear Dutchess to bind this book of yours and to give it to the world. An amazing adventure has unfolded, I'm voting you right on to the New York Best Sellers List...Excellent story telling. It's the talk of Gnomeland...Did you know your gnome once visited my gnome clubhouse? I believe it was about 3.5 years ago to be exact! I also remember him bothering my birdies in my two cuckoo clocks...they booted him out! Happy that he is on your side of the world...is Nowhere soon to have a gnome?

The romantic query letter and the happy-ever-after said...

You are very talented and I hope you don't mind me saying I felt swepted away to a land close to that in which "Peter Rabbit" resides. There is heart in your story and it should have an audience so you keep the faith.
My warmest regards to you,

La Petite Gallery said...

Miss Mousie,
I just love to come visit,
it brings me back to my childhood.
I grew up with a set of books called CHILDCRAFT
you are too young to have worked for them .
I swear, you are from somewhere in the past. This is so beautiful..

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh how I love Miss Moussie. Jackie is right my dearest...please do something with these darling accounts of our sweet little mouse and that famous Gustave...I want to see a hardcover book one day of these lovable characters!!!! You should be receiving something soon, but I fear it may be AFTER Christmas....Bisous to you dearest, Anita


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