

It's a worm thing..

-Hello there...croaked Gustave...I was planning to come for a cup of cocoa but look what I found on my way over here..and he pointed towards the worm standing next to him....Dear friends..let me introduce to you ...Alice...from wonderland...

Alice..very courteously made a bough and said...So nice to meet you all...I hope I'm not causing any inconvenience by crawling in unannounced...

-Well..dear Gustave..and..eh ..Alice, twittered Miss Moussie..you are ever so welcome...and please meet another unexpected quest....The Monster...from Frankenstein...!

Now it was Gustave's turn to be surprised again...and little Alice stood there silent..and motionless...
Nobody knew exactly what to do or what to say...

Dear friends...said the Dutchess breaking the silence.....this seems to be a very awkward situation.....so please forgive us our behavior...worms on kitchen tables or on doormats are not something we are used to..Please, Mr Monster and sweet little Alice ..would you be so kind to tell us what may be the purpose of your visit..

-Its a worm thing...said the Monster
-No,its a book thing..said little Alice whilst climbing the table leg...
-Its more wormy then book..said the Monster..
-No,its more book then wormy..said Alice..now reaching the table surface..
-I would say its a bookworm thing..said the Monster.
-I agree,said Alice..and she sat herself down at Owls feet.....who sat very still in anticipation....what next..?

-Oke..,croaked Gustave ..leaping from the doormat to a kitchen chair....so far so good...

-What's a bookworm thing...twittered Miss Moussie...I never saw it before...never heard of it either...?

Did You...?

1 comment:

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

I KNOW! I KNOW! I am a BOOKWORM MYSELF!!! Oh Miss M., what are you reading these days little mouse? Your little worm friends are so darling,and I love the curly coiffe on that worm to the left! Teeeheeee!


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